Thursday, March 26, 2009


Ficcones (伝奇集)
Jorge Luis Borges
ISBN 978-4-00-327921-2 (Japanese Translation)

To tell the truth, I just wanted to read "The Library of Babel" included in this book at first after reading Hiroshi Aramata's "Rikakei no Bungakushi" and in conjunction with Stanisław Lem's "A Perfect Vacuum". But, I really regret that I didn't read the entire book when I saw it a book store about 15 years ago. :(

Granted that "The Library of Babel" is really amazing, but other stories are also very much thought-provoking, as for me, from a view point of world view.

In this sense, it's a bit beyond my expectation that "The Library of Babel" states the universe (of the Library) is finite and closed. In other word, if a man keeps to walk through a corridor of the Library in one direction, the man will arrive at the start point again taking no account of his life time. I understand that this is a natural consequence, but still I'm feeling there could be some more ideas such as introducing topological twists which enriches variety of the universe.

Among other stories, I like Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius. But, this might be because I need some more time to think about other stories.

The problem is, if I can make enough time... :o


Stephen said...

That's where it's @! ^-^

Stephen said...

Oops! I commented on the wrong post! I meant to say that the picture on the front cover looks like Paul McCartney from here.