Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chaos Phenomenology

Chaos Phenomenology
Hiroshi Serizawa
ISBN 978-4489004223

A plain introduction to classical chaotic dynamics with sample programs.
But, they are based on TurboC (!) and depend on Borland's Graphic Interface (BGI).
Nowadays, a bit obsolete... :(

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Prime Obsession

Prime Obsession -- Bernhard Riemann & the Greatest Unsolved Problem
John Derbyshire
ISBN 4-8222-8204-X

This books is a plain expository on Riemann Hypothesis.
Actually, I didn't know well how good describing distribution of prime numbers the hypothesis and related theorems are.

I believe that you can do good mental gymnastics reading the book even if you don't have enough background knowledge on number theories. Actually, I didn't have almost at all. :o

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Guin Saga 130

Guin Saga 130
A Fathomless Future
Kaoru Kurimoto
ISBN 978-4-15-030975-6

This is the very last book of the Guin Saga series.
It's a great pity that Kurimoto could not complete her greatest work.
But, as her husband writes in postscript of the book, Kurimoto left us great amount of information about overall story line of the series. So, even I can imagine my own version of Guin Saga story, and now I'm wondering if my daughter would have interests on the series. If she does, it must be a happy time chatting various topics of the Guin Saga world with my daughter. :)