Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Xen resource monitoring

Recently, I'm working on Xen using RHEL5 Beta2 at work.

The biggest headache of mine with respect to Xen is lack of practical resource monitoring utility of the VMM like sar or vmstat.

Today, I found an interesting message on the xen-devel ML.

That's it!
I wanted that one. :)

I'm wondering if one of my colleagues would find the message and try it.
Also, what I'm curious about is that why he and his colleagues (except myself)
do not know about the work while 5 of them went to OLS last year cause the work was presented at the Ottawa Linux Symposium.
What were they doing there!?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ottawa... Were there a Spanish guy with those guys?

I guess they enjoyed the bars and restaurants and forgot to go to the Symposium... Or they decided to use Windows :)