Sunday, February 04, 2007


Today, I took the TOEIC test after one year interval.
The test was not a public one, but a private called IP (Institutional Program) test held by my company. Yes, my company pays for me. That's good. :)

But, today I had to work not only as an examinee but also as an examiner.
Here, an examiner just means a helper at the examination halls for the supervisors
sent from the ETS.
At my company, usually the work is assigned to second years.
This time, I had a reason which I cannot deny the assignment by my boss.

In Japanese, sometimes we say such situation 'Batsu game'. It can be translated as
'punishment game' if I do direct one-to-one mapping translation. But, I think
the nuance is different, and I'd be happy if anyone can tell me the correct the expression. :)

BTW, I found a good article for people shooting for good TOEIC scores.
Hey you, Takeuchi-kun and Furuta-kun, are you reading? :o


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