Wednesday, April 21, 2004

The Da Vinci Code again

Today, I found an interesting article about "The Da Vinci Code" in San
Francisco Chronicles.

There seems to be a book very similar to "The Da Vinci Code" published
20 years earlier than that, and the author, Lewis Perdue, seems to be
going to sue Dan Brown.

Although I'm not sure if Dan Brown really helped himself to books of
Perdue because I haven't read his books, there seems to be a lot of
books based on similar theme and plot. After reading the article, I
began to think that the story might have been typical and not so
unique one. I was a bit turned off by the controversy. :(

But anyway, now I'm working on another book, "The footprints of God"
by Greg Iles and enjoying that, and I'm feeling happy. :)

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