Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The Last Lecture of Prof. Takeuchi

Today, I attended at the last lecture of Professor Ikuo Takeuchi held at the University of Tokyo.

Actually, I was not a student nor a coworker of him, but I worked with his son for several years. So, I've been feeling strong sense of community...

The title of the lecture was "研究・開発は楽しく" which roughly means "Have Fun in Research and Development activities." Today, he walked through his surprising research activities since he was an elementary school student. According to the story, when Professor Takeuchi was 3rd grade of elementary school, he insisted that 8 divided by 8 equals! :0

Professor Takeuchi is famous for his Lisp related works such as Takeuchi Function, so
at the end of his last lecture, he quoted from Raymond M. Smullyan, "The S-expression has no purpose and for this reason fulfills all its purposes admirably."

And here is his conclusion,
"The true creator has no purpose and for this reason fulfills all its purposes admirably."

Great, isn't it... :)

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