Sunday, June 15, 2008

OpenSolairs 5/08

Well, about 8 years ago, I worked on SPARC/Solaris.
In those days, it was Solaris 2.6 which nowadays means Solaris 6.

Recently, I was trying to install OpenSolaris inVMware Workstation 6.0 running on Windows XP using ThinkPad X61. But, I got troubles and finally gave up it. :(

At first, I configured a VM with 512MB memory and saw progress bar of the OpenSolaris installer (which says transferring LiveCD image) stopped when it showed 84%. :(
After I read this discussion and gave the VM for OpenSolaris 1280MB memory, it passed the 84% barrier, but the installed instance of OpenSolaris never booted up. :(

So, I gave up VMware and tried VirtualBox which SUN recently acquired because OpenSolaris people mentioned that there many successful installations using VirtualBox.

The below is the first grub screen after my installation on VirtualBox.

The below shows the first OpenSolaris kernel message.
As you can see, the first line says "SunOS 5.11" that means Solaris 11, not Solaris 10 which SUN recently released the latest version of. In short, the relationship between OpenSolaris and Solaris is like the one between RedHat Enterprise Linux and Fedora Core.
That's why I wanted to try OpenSolaris. :)

BTW, there is one more thing I don't like.
The first line above says "32-bit," and this might be because of VirtualBox's limitation. :(

The above is the login screen of OpenSolaris, and I'm wondering if I can make time playing into Solaris Zones before setting for New York. :o
Well, yes, I'm looking into Solaris deeply (again) from a view point of virtualization.
Reading "Solaris Internals", sometimes I feel deja vu and at other times I'm concerned with the progresses of the years I was absent there.

BTW, I found that I forgot almost everything about Solaris system administration. :o

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