Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today, I read this article on and tried arc by Paul Graham's team.

Although I used version 352 of mzscheme following the installation instruction, I got the following message. :(

# mzscheme --version
Welcome to MzScheme version 352, Copyright (c) 2004-2006 PLT Scheme Inc.
# mzscheme -m -f arc.arc
arc.arc:25:5: do: bad syntax in: do
> (exit 0)

BTW, a colleague of mine said to me, "I think Lispers are too clever and almost crazy."
I was a bit surprised because arc is small and simple.

# wc -l *
1093 ac.scm
535 app.arc
1496 arc.arc
16 as.scm
107 blog.arc
48 brackets.scm
61 code.arc
2 copyright
360 html.arc
7 libs.arc
80 pprint.arc
119 prompt.arc
462 srv.arc
223 strings.arc
4609 total


Jens Axel Søgaard said...

Files ending in .arc are written in the Arc language. MzScheme is a Scheme implementation, so you need to run one of the Scheme files instead. See the Arc documentation.

thatsdone said...

Hi Jens,
You are correct.
I got correct results using as.scm not arc.arc. I should have checked the file name well... :(