Sunday, April 29, 2007

Interface Magagine '07/06

I bought '07/06 issue of the Interface Magagine.

Yes, it's the magagine that gave me an NEC V850 CPU board. :)

When I read the previous issue in detail last month, I felt it's too elementary because example programs are:
  • Blinking an LED on the board
  • Sending a "Hello, World!" message infinitely
But, there are practical application examples such as a line-tracing car controlled by the V850 board in this month issue, and finally that makes sense for me. Maybe the editors were too busy for preparing the giveaway. :o

BTW, one of the article was about a u-ITRON (TOPPERS) port for the board.
I'm wondering if I should go ahead for another program monitor...
Hey, Furukawa-san, are you reading?
What do you think about? :)

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