Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Dignity of the Nation

The Dignity of the Nation (国家の品格)
Hiroshi Fujiwara
ISBN 978-4-10-610141-0

The book is one of the best selling books in Japan 2007.

Although the book contains several emotional keywords such as Bushido, the core message of the books is simple like the following:

"Logic is not almighty, what the most important is the sense of choosing principles."

A parallel translation in English and Japanese seems to be available.
I recommend that people interested in understanding Japanese people would read the book once.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This book, in North America, is far too easily dismissed as "right-wing nationalism", simply because he asserts that there is some inner beauty in the Japanese way of life. I'd be surprised if many of the reviewers got past the first couple of pages, because it appears they missed the point of this novel entirely.

My belief is that even though his assertion is hard to stomach in the West (we don't like people telling us that we're wrong), he is undisputably correct. This is an excellent book and we could learn a lot from not only Mr. Fujiwara, but from Japanese society as a whole.