Thursday, July 20, 2006


My Office is in this building.
The only smoking area is its under ground level open space.
So, actually the building is a very huge chimney.

BTW, in that sense this building could be the most famous chimney in the world. :o

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

9 Weeks and EDC

Now, my baby is 9 weeks and seems to be 24.5mm tall(?) now.

BTW, I thought I can say 'due date of birth', but
the correct saying seems to be EDC (expected date of confinement).
I didn't know...

Well, anyway I seem to be a papa on February 18, 2007. :)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Birthday Alert

Today, I got an unreadable message.

Well, it's not garbled but almost encrypted for me cause it's
written in Polish. :o
Of course, I asked a Polish friend of mine to help me.

After all, the message turned out to be a kind of reminders from an
SNS service, a birthday alert. In addition, reminding me of the friend's
birthday. :o
I should have consulted dictionaries at least once. :(

Anyway, Happy Birthday, 'k'!

Monday, July 03, 2006

7 Weeks

Now, our baby is 7 weeks old and 4.3mm tall(?).

Finally, he (or she?) got the heart.
My wife saw it's pulsing by an ultrasonic imaging.
So, we were happy today. :)